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Welcome to the Christ the King Catholic Church Podcast Page! Christ the King is a charismatic personal parish of the Diocese of Lansing, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. For more information about Christ the King Catholic Church, please go to our website, Video of our Sunday Masses, Upper Room, and select other events are available through our YouTube channel by clicking here.

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Nov 22, 2019

Homily given at the funeral Mass for Jeffrey T. McKeone, son of John and Nancy McKeone, on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, by Dcn. Larry Randolph, Christ the King Catholic Church. At the end of the recording are comments made after Communion by Jeff's niece, Meg McKeone, and Christ the King's Pastor, Fr. Ed...

Nov 22, 2019

Homily given at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, November 3, 2019, the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church.

Today's Gospel story of Zaccheus demonstrates that every human heart is built in a way that it won't rest until it rests in Jesus. There are very particular ways...

Nov 22, 2019

Homily given at the 4:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019, the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day), by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church.

Fr. Ed talks about our belief in Purgatory and why we offer the Mass and our prayers for the dead.

Keywords: worship, evangelization

Nov 6, 2019

Homily given at the 10 a.m. Mass on Friday, Nov. 1, 2019, the Solemnity of All Saints, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church.

Jesus gives us the saints and angels to assist us in our weakness. Are we taking advantage of their help?

Keywords: worship, evangelization

Oct 31, 2019

Homily given at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, October 27, 2019, the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church.

Reflecting on today's Gospel, Fr. Ed notes that humility is key to our relationship with Jesus. Being arrogant is destructive of it. Where do we stand in...