Mar 23, 2012
Homily given at the 11:30 a.m.
Mass on Sunday, March 18, 2012, the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare
Sunday), by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church.
In his homily, Fr. Ed urges us to rejoice because of Jesus, not our
Key word: Joy
Mar 23, 2012
Homily given at the 8:45 a.m. Mass on Sunday, March 11, 2012, the Third Sunday of Lent, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. At this Mass where the Scrutinies were celebrated with those preparing to enter the Church, the readings were from the Year A cycle. Drawing on both the Old Testament reading...
Mar 9, 2012
Part 2 of a talk given on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, by Professor Barbara Morgan. This talk is one of a multi-part series of talks on Doctrine, given at Christ the King Catholic Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
If you are interested in taking this series as part of the process for Diocese of Lansing...
Mar 9, 2012
Part 1 of a talk given on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, by Professor Barbara Morgan. This talk is one of a multi-part series of talks on Doctrine, given at Christ the King Catholic Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
If you are interested in taking this series as part of the process for Diocese of Lansing...
Mar 9, 2012
Homily given at the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, March 4, 2012, the Second Sunday of Lent, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. In preparation for the upcoming Parish Mission on Catholic Worldview, Fr. Ed speaks about how our understanding of Who Jesus Christ is, revealed in the Transfiguration, must...