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Welcome to the Christ the King Catholic Church Podcast Page! Christ the King is a charismatic personal parish of the Diocese of Lansing, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. For more information about Christ the King Catholic Church, please go to our website, Video of our Sunday Masses, Upper Room, and select other events are available through our YouTube channel by clicking here.

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Jul 23, 2015

Homily given at the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 19, 2015, the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. Fr. Ed notes that, although Biblical descriptions of shepherds frequently refer to clergy and religious, all the people of God are called to be shepherds, especially...

Jul 14, 2015

Homily given at the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 12, 2015, the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. Fr. Ed discusses the importance of centering our lives around Jesus. He points out that following Christ is a choice that we make, and he encourages us to make that...

Jul 14, 2015

Homily given at the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 5, 2015, the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Fr. Pat Egan, Christ the King Catholic Church. Fr. Pat emphasizes the importance of prayer, opening our hearts to God and placing our hopes and fears in His hands. He reminds us that Jesus knows rejection. When we pray to...

Jul 14, 2015

Homily given at the 8:45 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 5, 2015, the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Dcn. Kyle Kowalczyk, Christ the King Catholic Church. Dcn. Kyle explores why Jesus was rejected when He returned to Nazareth to preach. He explains how it was difficult for people to accept that the Messiah came from such a...

Jul 2, 2015

Homily given at the 8:45 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 28, 2015, the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. On the 14th Anniversary of the Dedication of our Church, Fr. Ed starts by sharing several special memories of the time surrounding the dedication of Christ the King. He...