Jan 19, 2023
Disciples go from devastation and despair to the fullness of life because they know that Jesus is risen indeed. How did the apostles reach out to friends who have distanced themselves from a Christian community? Join this discussion with Jessica Dudek on the road to Emmaus!
May 21, 2022
In this episode we dive into why we don't need to dwell on scrupulous thoughts, and explore where they could be coming from. From high emotional awareness, to past feelings of shame, the enemy seeks to hold us back from mission. In this episode we press into how we can break free from the spiral of scrupulosity.
May 11, 2022
This question was posed at A1:8 (CTK's youth group). In this episode we're unpacking the internal boundaries of overcoming temptations and avoiding sin.
Mar 31, 2022
This episode unpacks questions from a q&a from the last time I went to A1:8. These are questions from the teens at Christ the King.