Aug 18, 2016
Homily given at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, August 7, 2016, the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. Fr. Ed reminds us that Jesus tells us not to fear. If we immerse ourselves in scripture, our faith will grow. Then, we will be empowered to trust Jesus.
Aug 18, 2016
Homily given at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 31, 2016, the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. Fr. Ed reminds us that Solomon started strong, but fell away by little steps. We must be faithful in the little things and seek Jesus always.
Key Words: Surrender...