Dec 20, 2012
Homily given at the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, December 16, 2012, the Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday), by Dcn. Greg VandeVoorde, Christ the King Catholic Church. God invites His people to return to Him and experience His joy, the joy that comes from being in His Presence thanks to His forgiveness. He, too,...
Dec 20, 2012
Homily given at the
8:45 a.m. Mass on Sunday, December 16, 2012, the Third Sunday of
Advent (Gaudete Sunday), by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King
Catholic Church. We are commanded to rejoice, not
because of our circumstances, but because the King is
Key words: Advent,
Dec 18, 2012
"Sharing the Gospel Back Then and All Over Again: Evangelism in the Early Church and the New Evangelism Today," a talk given by Steve Ray on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012 at Christ the King Catholic Church. This talk highlighted the Year of Faith and the New Evangelization called for by Pope Benedict XVI. Many thanks to Steve...
Dec 14, 2012
Homily given at the 8:45 a.m. Mass on Sunday, December 9, 2012, the Second Sunday of Advent, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. On this Sunday, which occurs during the celebration of Hanukkah, Fr. Ed recounts the origin of Hanukkah, stemming from the rededication of the Temple recorded in the Book...
Dec 14, 2012
Homily given at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday, December 8, 2012, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by Fr. Ed Fride, Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church. Mary was prepared for the singular gift of the conception of the Second Person of the Trinity by another gift, receiving the...